
March 2024
Our work on Neural Lithography has received several invited talks. Me and my collegue will present at:
[Nov. 4 2024] The 28th Lithography Workshop in San Diego.
[June. 8 2024] Image Science Gordon Research Seminar & Gordon Research Conference.
[June. 6 2024] International Lithography Simulation Workshop, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB.
[Mar. 19 2024] MIT Visual Computing Seminar.
[Mar. 6 2024] High-beams seminar, University College London.
Nov 2023
Our work on Neural Lithography is accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 and featured by MIT News.
Jan 2023
I received the DeFlorez Travel Award in Design and Manufacturing for SPIE Photonics West 2023.
Oct 2021
I attended the Rising Stars in Mechanical Engineering Workshop, MIT, 2021.
July 2021
Our paper De-scattering with Excitation Patterning is published in Science Advances and featured by MIT News.


(* indicates equal contributionship)
Neural Lithography
SIGGRAPH Asia 2023
Cheng Zheng*, Guangyuan Zhao*, Peter T. C. So
A real2sim pipeline to quantitatively construct a high-fidelity neural photolithography simulator and a design-fabrication co-optimization framework to bridge the design-to-manufacturing gap in computational optics.
De-scattering with Excitation Patterning
Science Advances 2021
Cheng Zheng*, Jong Kang Park*, Murat Yildirim, Josiah R. Boivin, Yi Xue, Mriganka Sur, Peter T. C. So, Dushan N. Wadduwage
A computational imaging technique using random patterned illumination to remove the scattered photons to achieve seven scattering lengths deep in brain in wide-field two-photon temporal focusing microscopy.

Before MIT:

Nonlinear Focal Modulation Microscopy
Physical Review letters 2018 (On the cover)
Guangyuang Zhao*, Cheng Zheng*, Cuifang Kuang, et al
PSF engineering, in combination with non-linear light-matter interaction, can achieve eqaulivent supre-resolving capacity as STED (the one won the 2014 Nobel prize) while requiring much simpler setup and imposing less constraint on the object to image with.
3D Super-resolution via Polarization Modulation
1. 3D point scanning super-resolution microscopy via polarization modulation
      Optics Letters 2018 [Paper] [Code]
      Cheng Zheng, Guangyuan Zhao et al.
2. Three-dimensional super-resolved live cell imaging through polarized multi-angle TIRF
      Optics Letters 2017 [Paper]
      Cheng Zheng, Guangyuan Zhao et al.
Polarization is a lightweight add-on cue to boost the resolution of any super-resolution imaging techniques.
High-speed Quantitative Phase Imaging
1. High spatial and temporal resolution synthetic aperture phase microscopy
      Advanced Photonics 2020 [Paper]
      Cheng Zheng, Di Jin et al.
2. High-speed quantitative phase imaging using a digital micromirror device
      Optics Letters 2017 [Paper]
      Cheng Zheng, Renjie Zhou et al.
DMD is a flexible device with fast light modulation to enable faster speed and better performance in quantitative phase imaging. Besides biomedical imaging, phase imaging are also applied in material metrology with high resolution and sensitivity.

Acknowledgement:Thanks to Vincent Sitzmann for his website template.